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Friday, April 22, 2016

Ducks teaching disability?

Lemon the Duck by Laura Backman

Lemon the duck in real life!
                Lemon the Duck is a children’s picture book  based on a real-life story of Lemon. This book takes a new angle toward disability education from some of the other books I have evaluated. The book opens in a children’s classroom, where the duck hatchery is beginning to hatch baby ducks. However, the students soon notice one duckling was different than the others. Lemon, the special duck was named for her fluffy yellow feathers. The children ask their teacher why Lemon does not stand the way the other ducks. As the other ducks began to grow, Lemon still could not stand or walk. Lemon has a problem with her balance, and as a result she will always need special attention. When the other ducklings go to live on a farm, Lemon stays with the students. The children pay close attention to Lemon, by feeding her, and helping her to swim. Still wanting to help Lemon walk, the students try to come up with ways they can help her. Eventually, one student named Richard finds a way to help Lemon stand. The students use a life vest to hold Lemon up so she can stand. Soon, Lemon is able to do everything just like all the other ducks, just with a little extra help.
                Disability is portrayed very differently in this book. Instead of seeing a main character who is human, we see a duck who is a class pet with the disability. This new way helps students see disability in a new way. The student’s desire to help Lemon and to care for her is inspiring. The students learn Lemon can be just like any other duck. The lesson of this story is important because disability is being introduced in a very neutral and loving way. Instead of pinning a disability to a person, it is connected to an animal. I believe this can help children to understand disabilities because the care shown for Lemon is applicable to humans. This book is a great read-aloud text. The illustrations are adorable and engaging. The positive ending will leave young readers and listeners smiling. Check out this article about real life Lemon!